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Please be sure to include CSXT Shenandoah Division Web Site Feedback in the subject field of your e-mail. E-mail containing any other subject will be deleted by my spam filters without being seen by me. Attachments are not accepted. Also, please be sure to remove the part of the e-mail address that says "REMOVE_THIS" or your e-mail won't get through.

Please note: If you have a specific question about the CSXT Shenandoah Division layout or web site, I will try to answer it, although it may be several days after receiving an e-mail before I can do so. Please be patient when awaiting a response.

However, as a result of the volume of e-mail I process, I am unable to answer general questions about model or prototype railroading. Many railroad YahooGroups, discussion forums, and web sites exist where excellent discussions of general questions occur and where there is the opportunity to get timely answers from a wide variety of subject experts.

Thank you in advance for your respect, understanding, and patience.

This page was last updated on 01/01/11.


All material on the CSXT Shenandoah Division web site is Copyright © 2001-2011 by B.L. Faulkner, unless noted otherwise. All rights reserved. None of the material (including text and photographs) on this web site may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission.