CSXT Shenandoah Division Layout PlansFormal design of the CSXT Shenandoah Division layout was started in mid-August of 2001 while we were still waiting for the house to be finished. Once space for sufficient staging was determined, the basic plan was created fairly quickly with several iterations posted to the construction and operating crew for review. As of 01/21/02, the plans for CSXT Shenandoah Division V2.0 have been completed to the point where construction can begin. The overall size of the layout is approximately 17' x 43'. The layout is being built in two rooms (17' x 20' plus 11.5' x 23') connected via a 6-foot cased opening. Since the layout plan is large, the plans have been split into two pages for presentation. Follow the links to the left to see the plans along with narratives explaining the features of both levels. Note that the grid lines on the plan are spaced 1' apart. The total mainline length from the Connellsville/Winchester staging yard to the Wadesboro staging yard (not including either yard) is approximately 280 feet, which is about 8.5 scale miles. All passing sidings are at least 30 feet apart, which is roughly 2 train lengths. (A scale mile is 33 feet long in N scale.) 3rdPlanIt from El Dorado Software was used to generate the plans for the layout. The plans presented on the Lower Level and Upper Level pages are GIF files which were converted from JPEG files exported from 3rdPlanIt. Send constructive comments, feedback, or questions about the CSXT Shenandoah Division layout design to: webmaster@shenREMOVE_THISdiv.com.
This page was last updated on 01/01/11. |
All material on the CSXT Shenandoah Division web site is Copyright © 2001-2011 by B.L. Faulkner, unless noted otherwise. All rights reserved. None of the material (including text and photographs) on this web site may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission. |